Thursday, April 26, 2012

Almost completed our mousetrap car

Yesterday, we got another chance to continue building our mousetrap car. We didn't get too much done, considering that we were trying to figure out how to attach the back wheels and made a mistake mid-way through which led to us taking it apart again and restarting it. We are 8 weeks into the project now, and we should be able to test out and complete our mousetrap car the following week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Progress with wheels

Today we have received a bit more time to work on our mousetrap car. This class we were working on making wheels out of chloroplast as well as we extended our car so that it is about 2 times longer. The reason for this is the longer the car, the longer the arm can be and the longer the arm results in the more string that is pulled which gives it more acceleration.
Lesson learnt today:
Longer the arm = more acceleration

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Progress

Today we have received the opportunity to continue our work on our mousetrap car. We learnt how to cut out a wheel out of chloroplast. We have also learnt that it is essential to use bigger wheels because the bigger the wheel is, the longer distances it can travel in one rotation.

Lesson learnt today:
Bigger wheel = Longer distance travelled in one rotation